21 マジック解説DVD 2Disk TEN INVENTORS AND PERFORMERS OF MAGIC TOOK SIEGE OF THE MAGIC BAR IN STOCKHOLM TO RECORD PROJECT 21, BUT IT PROVED IMPOSSIBLE TO HOLD A STRONG FORT AGAINST THE PROPRIETOR WHO OPENED THE DOORS AND LAYMEN FLOODED THE PREMISES. COULD THEY CONTINUE THEIR SECRET WORK, JUST A FEW FEET AWAY FROM THE UNSUSPECTING GUESTS? THE FOLLOWING TAKES PLACE BETWEEN 10 am AND 11 pm: • The Self Bending Straw - A drinking straw bends by itself as you hold it lightly. • Circle Vanish - A very visual coin vanish. • Two rope & ring moves - Fast, clean and super visual linking and unlinking of a ring and rope. ERIK NORDVALL • Memoradix - After three increasingly impossible card locations, the deck ends up in new deck order. • The Real Green Shuffle - Lennart Green's false riffle shuffle with Erik's addition. JOHAN STAHL • Sleeveless Sleeving - A pen appears, disappears, appears and transforms, a crash course in sleeving! 他 マジック解説DVD リージョンコードの記載が見当たりませんが、パソコンでは再生できました。 よろしくお願いします。