英語アート「The Picture Book:Contemporary Illustration(Mini Edition)」Angus Hyland編  Laurence King Publishing; Min版  2010年発行 344頁 US$16.95 13.6x3x17.5cm 0.65㎏ Softcover

【内容紹介】A mini edition of the bible of contemporary illustration, this is a comprehensive survey of exciting work from across the globe that will appeal to experts and newcomers alike. Each artist's work is accompanied by a self-portrait and a short, illuminating profile exploring their inspirations and their approach both to illustration and to their career.
【著者について】Angus Hyland is a graduate of the Royal College of Art and a partner at Pentagram Design London. In 2001 Hyland was the co-curator, with Roanne Bell, of "Picture This" a British Council exhibition featuring the work of London illustrators.

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