■□Astrology for Parents of Children & Teenagers ハードカバー Joan Quigley 西洋占星術□■ | |
■商品説明■ | 【著者】Joan Quigley 【発行者】Prentice-Hall 【発行年】1971年 【状態】表紙カバーに傷み、破れあり。本文の経年ヤケは、軽めです。1ページに破れあり。その他、書き込み、破れなどは見当たらず、古書としては経年の割には良い状態だと思います。(見落としはご容赦願います) 【目次】 INTRODUCTION: What Astrology Can Teach You About Your Child ONE: Sun Sign, Ascendant, and Planets 1.Your Relationship With Your Child 2.The Sun ---- And Your Child's Individuality 3.The Moon ---- And Your Child's Personality Moon Sign Ephemeris Tables 4.Your Child's Ascendant Table of Ascendants 5.Mercury ---- And Your Child's Mind 6.Venus ---- And Your Child's Love 7.Mars ---- And Your Child's Forcefulness 8.Jupiter ---- And Your Child's Luck 9.Saturn ---- And Your Child's Responsibilities 10.Uranus ---- And Your Child's Will 11.Neptune ---- And Your Child's Charm 12.Pluto ---- And Your Child's Rebellion And Cooperation TWO: The Planetary Aspects 13.The Aspects Aspect Tables 14.Interpretations of Planetary Aspects |
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